Sundays at The Church of the Holy Spirit are fun and energetic. Many opportunities exist for parishioners to actively engage in the services. The church and altar have been prepared for Eucharist by the Altar Guild. Youth through adults participate as Greeters/Ushers, Acolytes, Lectors, and Chalice Bearers on Sundays.
Children and teenagers attend Sunday School or Youth Group during the 10:00 service from September through April. Details about the Sunday School and Youth Group can be found as a separate tab under “Ministries”
Our Music Director leads our congregation in hymns and the Nursery is open for the 10:00 service.
Coffee Hour follows the 10:00 service for all to enjoy coffee, snacks, and fellowship. The men of the parish prepare a pancake breakfast with eggs, sausage, and scrapple on the first Sunday of each month from October through May.
In addition to Sunday services, the Church of the Holy Spirit has a Pastoral Care Team and Prayer Chain Ministry to take prayerful action in support of the needs of our parish family. The church also participates in Bible Study and a Book Club with other local churches.
A Property Team meets quarterly to coordinate for the year round upkeep and maintenance of the property. Outdoor clean-up events are held twice a year. All parishioners are encouraged to assist with activities to beautify the church property.
The Church of the Holy Spirit has a very active Episcopal Church Workers (ECW) group involved in outreach and fundraising. Details about the ECW and Outreach can be found as separate tabs.
A monthly newsletter (The Dove) is prepared by parishioners each month. Past copies of the newsletter can be found as a separate tab.
The mission statement of The Church of the Holy Spirit is “Seeking Christ with Others while Sharing the Christ within Us.” Members of the parish actively engage in fellowship inviting everyone to find areas of interest to contribute their talents to the church to exemplify this mission.