Episcopal Church Workers (ECW)

The Church of the Holy Spirit’s Episcopal Church Worker’s Group (ECW) is an inactive group at this time.
Traditionally, the group previously known as Episcopal Church Women would meet monthly between September and June. The ECW coordinates several fundraisers each year to help support outreach. Financial donations are provided to local charitable programs including Shepherd’s Crook, NOEL (Nothing Other Than Eating and Loving), The Cricket Center (Child Advocacy Center for Worcester County), Relay for Life, the Baptist Church Thanksgiving Day Celebration, Children’s House By The Sea, Adopt a Troop, and more. The ECW also coordinates collection drives for the Berlin Nursing Home, the Cold Weather Shelter, cookies for Shepherd’s Crook at Christmas, and supplies for troops adopted for Valentine’s Day.
The ECW enjoys outreach ministries as well as fellowship with each other and the community. All members of the Episcopal Church are considered members of this group.